
948 B

Howto create a bridge

A bridge is an interface that allows rss-bridge to create a RSS feed from a website. The bridge is a PHP file, located in the bridges/ folder.


A rss bridge must extend the BridgeAbstract class, and implement the following functions :

  • The loadMetadatas function, described below,
  • The getCacheDuration function, describing the time during which rss-bridge will output cached values instead of re-generating a RSS feed.
  • The collectData function, also described below.

##The collectData function

This function takes as a parameter an array called $param, that is automatically filled with values from the user, according to the values setted in loadMetadatas. This function is the place where all the website scrapping and the RSS feed generation process will go.

The RSS elements are stored in the class variable items[].

Every RSS element is an instance of the Item class.