[ 'name' => 'Search URL', 'title' => 'Copy the URL from your browser\'s address bar after searching for your items and paste it here', 'exampleValue' => 'https://allegro.pl/kategoria/swieze-warzywa-cebula-318660', 'required' => true, ], 'sessioncookie' => [ 'name' => 'The \'wdctx\' session cookie', 'title' => 'Paste the value of the \'wdctx\' cookie from your browser if you want to prevent Allegro imposing rate limits', 'pattern' => '^.{70,};?$', // phpcs:ignore 'exampleValue' => 'v4.1-oCrmXTMqv2ppC21GTUCKLmUwRPP1ssQVALKuqwsZ1VXjcKgL2vO5TTRM5xMxS9GiyqxF1gAeyc-63dl0coUoBKXCXi_nAmr95yyqGpq2RAFoneZ4L399E8n6iYyemcuGARjAoSfjvLHJCEwvvHHynSgaxlFBu7hUnKfuy39zo9sSQdyTUjotJg3CAZ53q9v2raAnPCyGOAR4ytRILd9p24EJnxp7_oR0XbVPIo1hDa4WmjXFOxph8rHaO5tWd', 'required' => false, ], 'includeSponsoredOffers' => [ 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'Include Sponsored Offers', 'defaultValue' => 'checked' ], 'includePromotedOffers' => [ 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'Include Promoted Offers', 'defaultValue' => 'checked' ] ]]; public function getName() { parse_str(parse_url($this->getInput('url'), PHP_URL_QUERY), $fields); if ($query = array_key_exists('string', $fields) ? urldecode($fields['string']) : false) { return $query; } return parent::getName(); } public function getURI() { return $this->getInput('url') ?? parent::getURI(); } public function collectData() { # make sure we order by the most recently listed offers $url = preg_replace('/([?&])order=[^&]+(&|$)/', '$1', $this->getInput('url')); $url .= (parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY) ? '&' : '?') . 'order=n'; $opts = []; // If a session cookie is provided if ($sessioncookie = $this->getInput('sessioncookie')) { $opts[CURLOPT_COOKIE] = 'wdctx=' . $sessioncookie; } $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url, [], $opts); # if no results found if ($html->find('.mzmg_6m.m9qz_yo._6a66d_-fJr5')) { return; } $results = $html->find('article[data-analytics-view-custom-context="REGULAR"]'); if (!$this->getInput('includeSponsoredOffers')) { $results = array_merge($results, $html->find('article[data-analytics-view-custom-context="SPONSORED"]')); } if (!$this->getInput('includePromotedOffers')) { $results = array_merge($results, $html->find('article[data-analytics-view-custom-context="PROMOTED"]')); } foreach ($results as $post) { $item = []; $item['uid'] = $post->{'data-analytics-view-value'}; $item_link = $post->find('a[href*="' . $item['uid'] . '"], a[href*="allegrolokalnie"]', 0); $item['uri'] = $item_link->href; $item['title'] = $item_link->find('img', 0)->alt; $image = $item_link->find('img', 0)->{'data-src'} ?: $item_link->find('img', 0)->src ?? false; if ($image) { $item['enclosures'] = [$image . '#.image']; } $price = $post->{'data-analytics-view-json-custom-price'}; if ($price) { $priceDecoded = json_decode(html_entity_decode($price)); $price = $priceDecoded->amount . ' ' . $priceDecoded->currency; } $descriptionPatterns = ['/<\s*dt[^>]*>\b/', '/<\/dt>/', '/<\s*dd[^>]*>\b/', '/<\/dd>/']; $descriptionReplacements = ['', ': ', '', '  ']; $description = $post->find('.m7er_k4.mpof_5r.mpof_z0_s', 0)->innertext; $descriptionPretty = preg_replace($descriptionPatterns, $descriptionReplacements, $description); $pricingExtraInfo = array_filter($post->find('.mqu1_g3.mgn2_12'), function ($node) { return empty($node->find('.mvrt_0')); }); $pricingExtraInfo = $pricingExtraInfo[0]->plaintext ?? ''; $offerExtraInfo = array_map(function ($node) { return str_contains($node->plaintext, 'zapłać później') ? '' : $node->outertext; }, $post->find('div.mpof_ki.mwdn_1.mj7a_4.mgn2_12')); $isSmart = $post->find('img[alt="Smart!"]', 0) ?? false; if ($isSmart) { $pricingExtraInfo .= $isSmart->outertext; } $item['categories'] = []; $parameters = $post->find('dd'); foreach ($parameters as $parameter) { if (in_array(strtolower($parameter->innertext), ['brak', 'nie'])) { continue; } $item['categories'][] = $parameter->innertext; } $item['content'] = $descriptionPretty . '
' . $price . '
' . implode('
', $offerExtraInfo) . '
' . $pricingExtraInfo . '

'; $this->items[] = $item; } } }