%s'; const ERR_CONTEXT = 'No context provided'; const ERR_QUERY = 'Unable to query: %s'; const LIMIT_MIN = 1; const LIMIT_MAX = 24; const PARAMETERS = [ 'Character' => [ 'cid' => [ 'name' => 'Character ID', 'type' => 'number', 'required' => true, 'title' => 'WorldCosplay character ID', 'exampleValue' => 18204 ] ], 'Cosplayer' => [ 'uid' => [ 'name' => 'Cosplayer ID', 'type' => 'number', 'required' => true, 'title' => 'Cosplayer\'s WorldCosplay profile ID', 'exampleValue' => 406782 ] ], 'Series' => [ 'sid' => [ 'name' => 'Series ID', 'type' => 'number', 'required' => true, 'title' => 'WorldCosplay series ID', 'exampleValue' => 3139 ] ], 'Tag' => [ 'tid' => [ 'name' => 'Tag ID', 'type' => 'number', 'required' => true, 'title' => 'WorldCosplay tag ID', 'exampleValue' => 33643 ] ], 'global' => [ 'limit' => [ 'name' => 'Limit', 'type' => 'number', 'required' => false, 'title' => 'Maximum number of photos to return', 'exampleValue' => 5, 'defaultValue' => 5 ] ] ]; public function collectData() { $limit = $this->getInput('limit'); $limit = min(self::LIMIT_MAX, max(self::LIMIT_MIN, $limit)); switch ($this->queriedContext) { case 'Character': $id = $this->getInput('cid'); $url = self::API_CHARACTER; break; case 'Cosplayer': $id = $this->getInput('uid'); $url = self::API_COSPLAYER; break; case 'Series': $id = $this->getInput('sid'); $url = self::API_SERIES; break; case 'Tag': $id = $this->getInput('tid'); $url = self::API_TAG; break; default: returnClientError(self::ERR_CONTEXT); } $url = self::URI . sprintf($url, $id, $limit); $json = json_decode(getContents($url)); if ($json->has_error) { returnServerError($json->message); } $list = $json->list; foreach ($list as $img) { $image = $img->photo ?? $img; $item = [ 'uri' => self::URI . substr($image->url, 1), 'title' => $image->subject, 'timestamp' => $image->created_at, 'author' => $img->member->global_name, 'enclosures' => [$image->large_url], 'uid' => $image->id, ]; $item['content'] = sprintf( self::CONTENT_HTML, $item['uri'], $item['enclosures'][0], $item['title'], $item['title'] ); $this->items[] = $item; } } public function getName() { switch ($this->queriedContext) { case 'Character': $id = $this->getInput('cid'); break; case 'Cosplayer': $id = $this->getInput('uid'); break; case 'Series': $id = $this->getInput('sid'); break; case 'Tag': $id = $this->getInput('tid'); break; default: return parent::getName(); } return sprintf('%s %u - ', $this->queriedContext, $id) . self::NAME; } }