getURI()); $elements = $html->find('#__next > div > div > div > div > a'); foreach ($elements as $element) { if ($element->href === '') { continue; } $content = $element->find('div > div', 2); // Remove element that is not parsed (span with weekly tag) $unwanted_selector = 'span'; foreach ($content->find($unwanted_selector) as $found) { $found->outertext = ''; } $title = $content->find('div', 0)->innertext; $timestamp = strtotime($content->find('div', 1)->innertext); $uri = $element->href; $this->items[] = [ 'uri' => $uri, 'title' => $title, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'content' => self::getArticleContent($uri) ]; } } private function getArticleContent($uri) { $article_html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($uri, self::CACHE_TIMEOUT, self::FAKE_HEADERS); if (!$article_html) { return ''; } $content = $article_html->find('#__next > div > div > div > span', 0); $content->removeChild($content->find('div', 0)); $content->removeChild($content->find('h1', 0)); $content->removeChild($content->find('img', 1)); // Remove elements that are not part of article content $unwanted_selector = 'style'; foreach ($content->find($unwanted_selector) as $found) { $found->outertext = ''; } // Images cleanup $already_displayed_pictures = []; foreach ($content->find('img') as $found) { // Skip loader images if (str_contains($found->src, 'data:image/gif;base64')) { $found->outertext = ''; continue; } // Skip multiple images with same src // and remove duplicated image description if (in_array($found->src, $already_displayed_pictures)) { $found->parent->parent->parent->outertext = ''; $found->parent->parent->parent->nextSibling()->nextSibling()->outertext = ''; continue; } // Remove srcset attribute $found->removeAttribute('srcset'); // If relative img, fix path if (str_starts_with($found->src, '/_next')) { $found->setAttribute('src', '' . $found->getAttribute('src')); } $already_displayed_pictures[] = $found->src; } $content_text = $content->innertext; // Remove noscript tag to display images $content_text = str_replace('