find('div[class=displayList]', 0)->children(); $dateFormat = '%A %e %B %Y à %H:%M'; // Set locale and Timezone to parse the date setlocale (LC_TIME, 'fr_FR.utf8'); date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris'); foreach($list as $element) { if($element->tag == 'a') { $articleURL = self::URI . $element->href; $article = getSimpleHTMLDOM($articleURL); $textDOM = $article->find('article', 0); // Initialise arrays $item = array(); $audio = array(); $picture = array(); // Get the Main picture URL $picture[] = self::URI . $article->find('div[id=pictureTitleSupport]', 0)->find('img', 0)->src; $audioHTML = $article->find('audio'); // Add the audio element to the enclosure foreach($audioHTML as $audioElement) { $audioURL = $audioElement->src; $audio[] = $audioURL; } // Rewrite pictures URL $imgs = $textDOM->find('img[src^="]'); foreach($imgs as $img) { $img->src = $this->rewriteImage($img->src); $article->save(); } // Remove Google Ads $ads = $article->find('div[class=adInline]'); foreach($ads as $ad) { $ad->outertext = ''; $article->save(); } // Remove Radio Melodie Logo $logoHTML = $article->find('div[id=logoArticleRM]', 0); $logoHTML->outertext = ''; $article->save(); $author = $article->find('p[class=AuthorName]', 0)->plaintext; // Handle date to timestamp $dateHTML = $article->find('p[class=date]', 0)->plaintext; preg_match('/\| ([^-]*)( - .*|)$/', $dateHTML, $matches); $dateText = $matches[1]; $dateArray = strptime($dateText, $dateFormat); $timestamp = mktime( $dateArray['tm_hour'], $dateArray['tm_min'], $dateArray['tm_sec'], $dateArray['tm_mon'] + 1, $dateArray['tm_mday'], $dateArray['tm_year'] + 1900 ); $item['enclosures'] = array_merge($picture, $audio); $item['author'] = $author; $item['uri'] = $articleURL; $item['title'] = $article->find('meta[property=og:title]', 0)->content; if($timestamp !== false) { $item['timestamp'] = $timestamp; } // Header Image $header = ''; // Remove the Date and Author part $textDOM->find('div[class=AuthorDate]', 0)->outertext = ''; // Remove Facebook javascript $textDOM->find('script[src^=]', 0)->outertext = ''; // Rewrite relative Links $textDOM = defaultLinkTo($textDOM, self::URI . '/'); $article->save(); $text = $textDOM->innertext; $item['content'] = '

' . $item['title'] . '

' . $dateHTML . '
' . $header . $text; $this->items[] = $item; } } } /* * Function to rewrite image URL to use the real Image URL and not the resized one (which is very slow) */ private function rewriteImage($url) { $parts = explode('?', $url); parse_str(html_entity_decode($parts[1]), $params); return self::URI . '/' . $params['image']; } }