[ 'name' => 'Idealo.de Link to productpage', 'required' => true, 'exampleValue' => 'https://www.idealo.de/preisvergleich/OffersOfProduct/202007367_-s7-pro-ultra-roborock.html' ], 'ExcludeNew' => [ 'name' => 'Priceupdate: Do not track new items', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 'c' ], 'ExcludeUsed' => [ 'name' => 'Priceupdate: Do not track used items', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 'uc' ], 'MaxPriceNew' => [ 'name' => 'Pricealarm: Maximum price for new Product', 'type' => 'number' ], 'MaxPriceUsed' => [ 'name' => 'Pricealarm: Maximum price for used Product', 'type' => 'number' ], ] ]; public function getIcon() { return 'https://cdn.idealo.com/storage/ids-assets/ico/favicon.ico'; } public function collectData() { $link = $this->getInput('Link'); $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($link); // Get Productname $titleobj = $html->find('.oopStage-title', 0); $Productname = $titleobj->find('span', 0)->plaintext; // Create product specific Cache Keys with the link $KeyNEW = $link; $KeyNEW .= 'NEW'; $KeyUSED = $link; $KeyUSED .= 'USED'; // Load previous Price $OldPriceNew = $this->loadCacheValue($KeyNEW); $OldPriceUsed = $this->loadCacheValue($KeyUSED); // First button is new. Found at oopStage-conditionButton-wrapper-text class (.) $FirstButton = $html->find('.oopStage-conditionButton-wrapper-text', 0); if ($FirstButton) { $PriceNew = $FirstButton->find('strong', 0)->plaintext; } // Second Button is used $SecondButton = $html->find('.oopStage-conditionButton-wrapper-text', 1); if ($SecondButton) { $PriceUsed = $SecondButton->find('strong', 0)->plaintext; } // Only continue if a price has changed if ($PriceNew != $OldPriceNew || $PriceUsed != $OldPriceUsed) { // Get Product Image $image = $html->find('.datasheet-cover-image', 0)->src; // Generate Content if ($PriceNew > 1) { $content = "

Price New:

"; $content .= "

Price Newbefore:

"; } if ($this->getInput('MaxPriceNew') != '') { $content .= sprintf('

Max Price Used:
%s,00 €

', $this->getInput('MaxPriceNew')); } if ($PriceUsed > 1) { $content .= "

Price Used:

"; $content .= "

Price Used before:

"; } if ($this->getInput('MaxPriceUsed') != '') { $content .= sprintf('

Max Price Used:
%s,00 €

', $this->getInput('MaxPriceUsed')); } $content .= ""; $now = date('d.m.j H:m'); $Pricealarm = 'Pricealarm %s: %s %s %s'; // Currently under Max new price if ($this->getInput('MaxPriceNew') != '') { if ($PriceNew < $this->getInput('MaxPriceNew')) { $title = sprintf($Pricealarm, 'Used', $PriceNew, $Productname, $now); $item = [ 'title' => $title, 'uri' => $link, 'content' => $content, 'uid' => md5($title) ]; $this->items[] = $item; } } // Currently under Max used price if ($this->getInput('MaxPriceUsed') != '') { if ($PriceUsed < $this->getInput('MaxPriceUsed')) { $title = sprintf($Pricealarm, 'Used', $PriceUsed, $Productname, $now); $item = [ 'title' => $title, 'uri' => $link, 'content' => $content, 'uid' => md5($title) ]; $this->items[] = $item; } } // General Priceupdate if ($this->getInput('MaxPriceUsed') == '' && $this->getInput('MaxPriceNew') == '') { // check if a relevant pricechange happened if ( (!$this->getInput('ExcludeNew') && $PriceNew != $OldPriceNew ) || (!$this->getInput('ExcludeUsed') && $PriceUsed != $OldPriceUsed ) ) { $title .= 'Priceupdate! '; if (!$this->getInput('ExcludeNew')) { if ($PriceNew < $OldPriceNew) { $title .= 'NEW:⬇ '; // Arrow Down Emoji } if ($PriceNew > $OldPriceNew) { $title .= 'NEW:⬆ '; // Arrow Up Emoji } } if (!$this->getInput('ExcludeUsed')) { if ($PriceUsed < $OldPriceUsed) { $title .= 'USED:⬇ '; // Arrow Down Emoji } if ($PriceUsed > $OldPriceUsed) { $title .= 'USED:⬆ '; // Arrow Up Emoji } } $title .= $Productname; $title .= ' '; $title .= $now; $item = [ 'title' => $title, 'uri' => $link, 'content' => $content, 'uid' => md5($title) ]; $this->items[] = $item; } } } // Save current price $this->saveCacheValue($KeyNEW, $PriceNew); $this->saveCacheValue($KeyUSED, $PriceUsed); } }