collectExpandableDatas('', 10); } protected function parseItem(array $item) { $itemUrl = $item['uri']; $articlePage = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($itemUrl); $article = $articlePage->find('div.article__content', 0); //everything under the social bar is not part of the article, remove it $reachedEndOfArticle = false; foreach ($article->find('*') as $child) { if ( !$reachedEndOfArticle && isset($child->attr['class']) && $child->attr['class'] == 'article__content__social-bar' ) { $reachedEndOfArticle = true; } if ($reachedEndOfArticle) { $child->outertext = ''; } } //get rid of some more elements we don't need $to_remove_selectors = [ 'script', 'div.incontent', 'div.article__content__social-bar', 'div#revealNewsTip', 'div.article__previous_next' ]; foreach ($to_remove_selectors as $selector) { foreach ($article->find($selector) as $found) { $found->outertext = ''; } } // convert iframes to links. meant for embedded YouTube videos. foreach ($article->find('iframe') as $found) { $iframeUrl = $found->getAttribute('src'); if ($iframeUrl) { $found->outertext = '' . $iframeUrl . ''; } } $item['content'] = $article; return $item; } }