self::LIMIT, ] ]; public function collectData() { $html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($this->getURI(), 300); $stories = $html->find('a.article-link'); $limit = $this->getInput('limit') ?? 10; foreach (array_slice($stories, 0, $limit) as $element) { $item = []; $item['uri'] = $element->href; $articleHtml = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($item['uri']); // Relying on meta tags ought to be more reliable. $item['title'] = $articleHtml->find('meta[name=parsely-title]', 0)->content; $item['content'] = html_entity_decode($articleHtml->find('meta[name=description]', 0)->content); $item['author'] = $articleHtml->find('meta[name=parsely-author]', 0)->content; $item['enclosures'][] = $articleHtml->find('meta[name=parsely-image-url]', 0)->content; /* I don't know why every article has two extra tags, but because one matches another common tag, "guide," it needs to be removed. */ $item['categories'] = array_diff( explode(',', $articleHtml->find('meta[name=parsely-tags]', 0)->content), ['van_buying_guide_progressive', 'serversidehawk'] ); $item['timestamp'] = strtotime($articleHtml->find('meta[name=pub_date]', 0)->content); $this->items[] = $item; } } }