$value) { // Some RSS readers add a cache-busting parameter (_=) to feed URLs, detect and ignore them. if ($name === '_') { continue; } $registered = false; foreach ($parameters as $context => $set) { if (!array_key_exists($name, $set)) { continue; } $registered = true; if (!isset($set[$name]['type'])) { // Default type is text $set[$name]['type'] = 'text'; } switch ($set[$name]['type']) { case 'number': $input[$name] = $this->validateNumberValue($value); break; case 'checkbox': $input[$name] = $this->validateCheckboxValue($value); break; case 'list': $input[$name] = $this->validateListValue($value, $set[$name]['values']); break; default: case 'text': if (isset($set[$name]['pattern'])) { $input[$name] = $this->validateTextValue($value, $set[$name]['pattern']); } else { $input[$name] = $this->validateTextValue($value); } break; } if ( is_null($input[$name]) && isset($set[$name]['required']) && $set[$name]['required'] ) { $this->invalid[] = ['name' => $name, 'reason' => 'Parameter is invalid!']; } } if (!$registered) { $this->invalid[] = ['name' => $name, 'reason' => 'Parameter is not registered!']; } } return $this->invalid === []; } /** * Get the name of the context matching the provided inputs * * @param array $input Associative array of user data * @param array $parameters Array of bridge parameters * @return string|null Returns the context name or null if no match was found */ public function getQueriedContext($input, $parameters) { $queriedContexts = []; // Detect matching context foreach ($parameters as $context => $set) { $queriedContexts[$context] = null; // Ensure all user data exist in the current context $notInContext = array_diff_key($input, $set); if (array_key_exists('global', $parameters)) { $notInContext = array_diff_key($notInContext, $parameters['global']); } if (count($notInContext) > 0) { continue; } // Check if all parameters of the context are satisfied foreach ($set as $id => $properties) { if (isset($input[$id]) && !empty($input[$id])) { $queriedContexts[$context] = true; } elseif ( isset($properties['type']) && ($properties['type'] === 'checkbox' || $properties['type'] === 'list') ) { continue; } elseif (isset($properties['required']) && $properties['required'] === true) { $queriedContexts[$context] = false; break; } } } // Abort if one of the globally required parameters is not satisfied if ( array_key_exists('global', $parameters) && $queriedContexts['global'] === false ) { return null; } unset($queriedContexts['global']); switch (array_sum($queriedContexts)) { case 0: // Found no match, is there a context without parameters? if (isset($input['context'])) { return $input['context']; } foreach ($queriedContexts as $context => $queried) { if (is_null($queried)) { return $context; } } return null; case 1: // Found unique match return array_search(true, $queriedContexts); default: return false; } } public function getInvalidParameters(): array { return $this->invalid; } private function validateTextValue($value, $pattern = null) { if (is_null($pattern)) { // No filtering taking place $filteredValue = filter_var($value); } else { $filteredValue = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => '/^' . $pattern . '$/']]); } if ($filteredValue === false) { return null; } return $filteredValue; } private function validateNumberValue($value) { $filteredValue = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); if ($filteredValue === false) { return null; } return $filteredValue; } private function validateCheckboxValue($value) { return filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE); } private function validateListValue($value, $expectedValues) { $filteredValue = filter_var($value); if ($filteredValue === false) { return null; } if (!in_array($filteredValue, $expectedValues)) { // Check sub-values? foreach ($expectedValues as $subName => $subValue) { if (is_array($subValue) && in_array($filteredValue, $subValue)) { return $filteredValue; } } return null; } return $filteredValue; } }