[ 'name' => 'Category', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => [ 'Alle News' => 'https://www.heise.de/newsticker/heise-atom.xml', 'Top-News' => 'https://www.heise.de/newsticker/heise-top-atom.xml', 'Internet-Störungen' => 'https://www.heise.de/netze/netzwerk-tools/imonitor-internet-stoerungen/feed/aktuelle-meldungen/', 'Alle News von heise Developer' => 'https://www.heise.de/developer/rss/news-atom.xml' ] ], 'limit' => [ 'name' => 'Limit', 'type' => 'number', 'required' => false, 'title' => 'Specify number of full articles to return', 'defaultValue' => 5 ] ]]; const LIMIT = 5; public function collectData() { $this->collectExpandableDatas( $this->getInput('category'), $this->getInput('limit') ?: static::LIMIT ); } protected function parseItem($feedItem) { $item = parent::parseItem($feedItem); $item['uri'] = explode('?', $item['uri'])[0] . '?seite=all'; if (strpos($item['uri'], 'https://www.heise.de') !== 0) { return $item; } $article = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($item['uri']); if ($article) { $article = defaultLinkTo($article, $item['uri']); $item = $this->addArticleToItem($item, $article); } return $item; } private function addArticleToItem($item, $article) { // copy full-res img src to standard img element foreach ($article->find('a-img') as $aimg) { $img = $aimg->find('img', 0); $img->src = $aimg->src; // client scales based on aspect ratio in style attribute $img->width = ''; $img->height = ''; } // relink URIs, as the previous a-img tags weren't recognized by this function $article = defaultLinkTo($article, $item['uri']); // remove unwanted stuff foreach ($article->find('figure.branding, a-ad, div.ho-text, noscript img, .opt-in__content-container') as $element) { $element->remove(); } // reload html, as remove() is buggy $article = str_get_html($article->outertext); $header = $article->find('header.a-article-header', 0); $headerElements = $header->find('p, a-img img, figure img'); $item['content'] = implode('', $headerElements); $authors = $header->find('.a-creator__names .a-creator__name'); if ($authors) { $item['author'] = implode(', ', array_map(function ($e) { return $e->plaintext; }, $authors)); } $content = $article->find('.article-content', 0); $contentElements = $content->find( 'p, h3, ul, table, pre, a-img img, a-bilderstrecke h2, a-bilderstrecke figure, a-bilderstrecke figcaption' ); $item['content'] .= implode('', $contentElements); foreach ($article->find('a-img img, a-bilderstrecke img, figure img') as $img) { $item['enclosures'][] = $img->src; } return $item; } }