array( 'channel' => array( 'name' => 'Channel ID', 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'exampleValue' => 'UCULkRHBdLC5ZcEQBaL0oYHQ' ) ), 'By username' => array( 'username' => array( 'name' => 'Username', 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'exampleValue' => 'YouTubeUK' ), ) ); const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600; // 1 hour private $feedUrl = ''; private $feedName = ''; private $itemTitle = ''; private $urlRegex = '/youtube\.com\/(channel|user|c)\/([\w]+)\/community/'; private $jsonRegex = '/var ytInitialData = (.*);<\/script>urlRegex, $url, $matches)) { if ($matches[1] === 'channel') { $params['context'] = 'By channel ID'; $params['channel'] = $matches[2]; } if ($matches[1] === 'user') { $params['context'] = 'By username'; $params['username'] = $matches[2]; } return $params; } return null; } public function collectData() { if (is_null($this->getInput('username')) === false) { try { $this->feedUrl = $this->buildCommunityUri($this->getInput('username'), 'c'); $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->feedUrl); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->feedUrl = $this->buildCommunityUri($this->getInput('username'), 'user'); $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->feedUrl); } } else { $this->feedUrl = $this->buildCommunityUri($this->getInput('channel'), 'channel'); $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->feedUrl); } $json = $this->extractJson($html->find('body', 0)->innertext); $this->feedName = $json->header->c4TabbedHeaderRenderer->title; if ($this->hasCommunityTab($json) === false) { returnServerError('Channel does not have a community tab'); } foreach ($this->getCommunityPosts($json) as $post) { $this->itemTitle = ''; if (!isset($post->backstagePostThreadRenderer)) { continue; } $details = $post->backstagePostThreadRenderer->post->backstagePostRenderer; $item = array(); $item['uri'] = self::URI . '/post/' . $details->postId; $item['author'] = $details->authorText->runs[0]->text; $item['content'] = ''; if (isset($details->contentText)) { $text = $this->getText($details->contentText->runs); $this->itemTitle = $this->ellipsisTitle($text); $item['content'] = $text; } $item['content'] .= $this->getAttachments($details); $item['title'] = $this->itemTitle; $this->items[] = $item; } } public function getURI() { if (!empty($this->feedUri)) { return $this->feedUri; } return parent::getURI(); } public function getName() { if (!empty($this->feedName)) { return $this->feedName . ' - YouTube Community Tab'; } return parent::getName(); } /** * Build Community URI */ private function buildCommunityUri($value, $type) { return self::URI . '/' . $type . '/' . $value . '/community'; } /** * Extract JSON from page */ private function extractJson($html) { if (!preg_match($this->jsonRegex, $html, $parts)) { returnServerError('Failed to extract data from page'); } $data = json_decode($parts[1]); if ($data === false) { returnServerError('Failed to decode extracted data'); } return $data; } /** * Check if channel has a community tab */ private function hasCommunityTab($json) { foreach ($json->contents->twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer->tabs as $tab) { if (isset($tab->tabRenderer) && $tab->tabRenderer->title === 'Community') { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get community tab posts */ private function getCommunityPosts($json) { foreach ($json->contents->twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer->tabs as $tab) { if ($tab->tabRenderer->title === 'Community') { return $tab->tabRenderer->content->sectionListRenderer->contents[0]->itemSectionRenderer->contents; } } } /** * Get text content for a post */ private function getText($runs) { $text = ''; foreach ($runs as $part) { $text .= $this->formatUrls($part->text); } return nl2br($text); } /** * Get attachments for posts */ private function getAttachments($details) { $content = ''; if (isset($details->backstageAttachment)) { $attachments = $details->backstageAttachment; // Video if (isset($attachments->videoRenderer) && isset($attachments->videoRenderer->videoId)) { if (empty($this->itemTitle)) { $this->itemTitle = $this->feedName . ' posted a video'; } $content = << EOD; } // Image if (isset($attachments->backstageImageRenderer)) { if (empty($this->itemTitle)) { $this->itemTitle = $this->feedName . ' posted an image'; } $lastThumb = end($attachments->backstageImageRenderer->image->thumbnails); $content = <<

EOD; } // Poll if (isset($attachments->pollRenderer)) { if (empty($this->itemTitle)) { $this->itemTitle = $this->feedName . ' posted a poll'; } $pollChoices = ''; foreach ($attachments->pollRenderer->choices as $choice) { $pollChoices .= <<{$choice->text->runs[0]->text} EOD; } $content = <<

Poll ({$attachments->pollRenderer->totalVotes->simpleText})


EOD; } } return $content; } /* Ellipsis text for title */ private function ellipsisTitle($text) { $length = 100; if (strlen($text) > $length) { $text = explode('
', wordwrap($text, $length, '
')); return $text[0] . '...'; } return $text; } private function formatUrls($content) { return preg_replace( '/(http[s]{0,1}\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9.\/\?\&=\-_]{4,})/ims', '$1 ', $content ); } }