[ 'language' => [ 'name' => 'Language', 'type' => 'list', 'defaultValue' => 'ru', 'values' => [ 'Russian' => 'ru', 'English' => 'en', ] ], 'limit' => [ 'name' => 'Limit', 'type' => 'number', 'required' => false, 'title' => 'Maximum number of items to return', 'defaultValue' => 20 ] ] ]; public function collectData() { $url = 'https://novayagazeta.eu/api/v1/get/main'; if ($this->getInput('language') != 'ru') { $url .= '?lang=' . $this->getInput('language'); } $json = getContents($url); $data = json_decode($json); foreach ($data->records as $record) { foreach ($record->blocks as $block) { if (!property_exists($block, 'date')) { continue; } $title = strip_tags($block->title); if (!empty($block->subtitle)) { $title .= '. ' . strip_tags($block->subtitle); } $item = [ 'uri' => self::URI . '/articles/' . $block->slug, 'block' => $block, 'title' => $title, 'author' => join(', ', array_map(function ($author) { return $author->name; }, $block->authors)), 'timestamp' => $block->date / 1000, 'categories' => $block->tags ]; $this->items[] = $item; } } usort($this->items, function ($item1, $item2) { return $item2['timestamp'] <=> $item1['timestamp']; }); if ($this->getInput('limit') !== null) { $this->items = array_slice($this->items, 0, $this->getInput('limit')); } foreach ($this->items as &$item) { $block = $item['block']; $body = ''; if (property_exists($block, 'body') && $block->body !== null) { $body = self::convertBody($block); } else { $record_json = getContents("https://novayagazeta.eu/api/v1/get/record?slug={$block->slug}"); $record_data = json_decode($record_json); $body = self::convertBody($record_data->record); } $item['content'] = $body; unset($item['block']); } } private function convertBody($data) { $body = ''; if ($data->previewUrl !== null && !$data->isPreviewHidden) { $body .= '
'; if ($data->previewCaption !== null) { $body .= '
' . $data->previewCaption . '
'; } $body .= '
'; } if ($data->lead !== null) { $body .= "


"; } if (!empty($data->body)) { foreach ($data->body as $datum) { $body .= self::convertElement($datum); } } return $body; } private function convertElement($datum) { switch ($datum->type) { case 'text': return $datum->data; case 'image/single': $alt = strip_tags($datum->data); $res = "
previewUrl}\" alt=\"{$alt}\" />"; if ($datum->data !== null) { $res .= "
"; } $res .= '
'; return $res; case 'text/quote': return "

"; case 'embed/native': $desc = $datum->link; if (property_exists($datum, 'caption')) { $desc = $datum->caption; } return "


"; case 'text/framed': $res = ''; if (property_exists($datum, 'typeDisplay')) { $res .= "


"; } $res .= "


"; if ( property_exists($datum, 'attachment') && property_exists($datum->attachment, 'type') ) { $res .= self::convertElement($datum->attachment); } return $res; default: return ''; } } }