[ 'name' => 'Minimum Supporters', 'title' => 'The number of people that need to have supported a project at minimum. Once a project reaches 10,000 supporters, it gets reviewed by the lego experts.', 'type' => 'number', 'defaultValue' => 1000 ], 'idea_phase' => [ 'name' => 'Idea Phase', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => [ 'Gathering Support' => 'idea_gathering_support', 'Achieved Support' => 'idea_achieved_support', 'In Review' => 'idea_in_review', 'Approved Ideas' => 'idea_idea_approved', 'Not Approved Ideas' => 'idea_idea_not_approved', 'On Shelves' => 'idea_on_shelves', 'Expired Ideas' => 'idea_expired_ideas', ], 'defaultValue' => 'idea_gathering_support' ] ] ]; public function getURI() { // link to the corresponding page on the website, not the api endpoint return self::URI . 'search/global_search/ideas' . "?support_value={$this->getInput('support_value_min')}" . '&support_value=10000' . "&idea_phase={$this->getInput('idea_phase')}" . '&sort=most_recent'; } public function collectData() { $header = [ 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Accept: application/json' ]; $opts = [ CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $this->getHttpPostData() ]; $responseData = getContents($this->getHttpPostURI(), $header, $opts) or returnServerError('Unable to query Lego Ideas API.'); foreach (json_decode($responseData)->results as $project) { preg_match('/datetime=\"(\S+)\"/', $project->entity->published_at, $date_matches); $datetime = $date_matches[1]; $link = self::URI . $project->entity->view_url; $title = $project->entity->title; $desc = $project->entity->content; $imageUrl = $project->entity->image_url; $creator = $project->entity->creator->alias; $uuid = $project->entity->uuid; $item = [ 'uri' => $link, 'title' => $title, 'timestamp' => strtotime($datetime), 'author' => $creator, 'content' => <<{$title}


EOD ]; $this->items[] = $item; } } /** * Returns the API endpoint */ private function getHttpPostURI() { return self::URI . '/search/global_search/ideas'; } /** * Returns the API query */ private function getHttpPostData() { $phase = $this->getInput('idea_phase'); $minSupporters = $this->getInput('support_value_min'); return <<