$rel); } if (array_key_exists('path', $pbase) && $pbase['path'] === '/') { unset($pbase['path']); } if (isset($prel['scheme'])) { if ( $prel['scheme'] != ($pbase['scheme'] ?? null) || in_array($prel['scheme'], $uses_relative) == false ) { return $rel; } } $merged = array_merge($pbase, $prel); // Handle relative paths: // 'path/to/file.ext' // './path/to/file.ext' if (array_key_exists('path', $prel) && substr($prel['path'], 0, 1) != '/') { // Normalize: './path/to/file.ext' => 'path/to/file.ext' if (substr($prel['path'], 0, 2) === './') { $prel['path'] = substr($prel['path'], 2); } if (array_key_exists('path', $pbase)) { $dir = preg_replace('@/[^/]*$@', '', $pbase['path']); $merged['path'] = $dir . '/' . $prel['path']; } else { $merged['path'] = '/' . $prel['path']; } } if(array_key_exists('path', $merged)) { // Get the path components, and remove the initial empty one $pathParts = explode('/', $merged['path']); array_shift($pathParts); $path = []; $prevPart = ''; foreach ($pathParts as $part) { if ($part == '..' && count($path) > 0) { // Cancel out the parent directory (if there's a parent to cancel) $parent = array_pop($path); // But if it was also a parent directory, leave it in if ($parent == '..') { array_push($path, $parent); array_push($path, $part); } } else if ($prevPart != '' || ($part != '.' && $part != '')) { // Don't include empty or current-directory components if ($part == '.') { $part = ''; } array_push($path, $part); } $prevPart = $part; } $merged['path'] = '/' . implode('/', $path); } $ret = ''; if (isset($merged['scheme'])) { $ret .= $merged['scheme'] . ':'; } if (isset($merged['scheme']) || isset($merged['host'])) { $ret .= '//'; } if (isset($prel['host'])) { $hostSource = $prel; } else { $hostSource = $pbase; } // username, password, and port are associated with the hostname, not merged if (isset($hostSource['host'])) { if (isset($hostSource['user'])) { $ret .= $hostSource['user']; if (isset($hostSource['pass'])) { $ret .= ':' . $hostSource['pass']; } $ret .= '@'; } $ret .= $hostSource['host']; if (isset($hostSource['port'])) { $ret .= ':' . $hostSource['port']; } } if (isset($merged['path'])) { $ret .= $merged['path']; } if (isset($prel['query'])) { $ret .= '?' . $prel['query']; } if (isset($prel['fragment'])) { $ret .= '#' . $prel['fragment']; } return $ret; }