[ self::PARAMETER_TOPIC => [ 'name' => 'Topic', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => [ self::TOPIC_MAGAZINE => 'magazine', self::TOPIC_LATEST_STORIES => 'latest-stories' ], 'title' => 'Select your topic', 'defaultValue' => 'Magazine' ] ], 'global' => [ self::PARAMETER_FULL_ARTICLE => [ 'name' => 'Full Article', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => 'Enable to load full articles and other infos (takes longer)' ] ] ]; private $topicName = ''; const CONTEXT = 'eyJjb250ZW50VHlwZSI6IlVuaXNvbkh1YiIsInZhcmlhYmxlcyI6eyJsb2NhdG9yIjoiL3BhZ2VzL3 RvcGljL2xhdGVzdC1zdG9yaWVzIiwicG9ydGZvbGlvIjoibmF0Z2VvIiwicXVlcn lUeXBlIjoiTE9DQVRPUiJ9LCJtb2R1bGVJZCI6bnVsbH0'; const LATEST_STORIES_ID = [ '1df278bb-0e3d-4a67-a0ce-8fae48392822-f2-m1' ]; const MAGAZINE_ID = [ '94d87d74-f41a-4a32-9acd-b591ba2df288-f2-m1', '94d87d74-f41a-4a32-9acd-b591ba2df288-f5-m2', ]; public function getURI() { switch ($this->queriedContext) { case self::CONTEXT_BY_TOPIC: return self::URI . $this->getInput(self::PARAMETER_TOPIC); default: return parent::getURI(); } } private function getAPIURL($id) { $context = preg_replace('/\s*/m', '', self::CONTEXT); $url = 'https://www.nationalgeographic.com/proxy/hub?context=' . $context . '&id=' . $id . '&moduleType=InfiniteFeedModule&_xhr=pageContent'; return $url; } public function collectData() { $this->topicName = $this->getTopicName($this->getInput(self::PARAMETER_TOPIC)); switch ($this->topicName) { case self::TOPIC_MAGAZINE: return $this->collectMagazine(); case self::TOPIC_LATEST_STORIES: return $this->collectLatestStories(); default: returnServerError('Unknown topic: "' . $this->topicName . '"'); } } public function getName() { switch ($this->queriedContext) { case self::CONTEXT_BY_TOPIC: return static::NAME . ': ' . $this->topicName; default: return parent::getName(); } } private function getTopicName($topic) { return array_search($topic, static::PARAMETERS[self::CONTEXT_BY_TOPIC][self::PARAMETER_TOPIC]['values']); } private function collectMagazine() { $stories = []; foreach (self::MAGAZINE_ID as $id) { $uri = $this->getAPIURL($id); $json_raw = getContents($uri); $json = json_decode($json_raw, true)['tiles']; $stories = array_merge($json, $stories); } foreach ($stories as $story) { $this->addStory($story); } } private function collectLatestStories() { $stories = []; foreach (self::LATEST_STORIES_ID as $id) { $uri = $this->getAPIURL($id); $json_raw = getContents($uri); $json = json_decode($json_raw, true)['tiles']; $stories = array_merge($stories, $json); } foreach ($stories as $story) { $this->addStory($story); } } private function addStory($story) { $title = 'Unknown title'; $content = ''; $story_type = ''; $uri = ''; foreach ($story['ctas'] as $component) { $uri = $component['url']; $story_type = $component['icon']; } $item = []; if (isset($story['description'])) { $content = '

' . $story['description'] . '

'; } $title = $story['title']; $item['uri'] = $uri; $item['title'] = $story['title']; // if full article is requested! if ($this->getInput(self::PARAMETER_FULL_ARTICLE)) { if ($story_type != 'interactive') { /* Nat Geo doesn't provided much info about interactive page * and it requires JS to load the interactive. */ $article_data = $this->getFullArticle($item['uri']); $item['timestamp'] = $article_data['published_date']; $item['author'] = $article_data['authors']; $item['content'] = $content . $article_data['content']; } else { $item['content'] = $content; } } else { $item['content'] = $content; } $image = $story['img']; $item['enclosures'][] = $image['src']; $tags = $story['tags']; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag_name = $tag['name']; $item['categories'][] = $tag_name; } $this->items[] = $item; } private function filterArticleData($data) { $article_module = array_filter( $data, function ($item) { if (isset($item['id']) && $item['id'] == 'natgeo-template1-frame-1') { return true; } } ); $article_data = array_reduce( $article_module, function (array $carry, array $item) { $module = $item['mods']; return array_merge( $carry, array_filter( $module, function ($data) { return $data['id'] == 'natgeo-template1-frame-1-module-1'; } ) ); }, [] ); return $article_data[0]; } private function handleImages($image_module, $image_type) { $image_alt = ''; $image_credit = ''; $image_src = ''; $image_caption = ''; $caption = ''; switch ($image_type) { case 'image': case 'imagegroup': $image = $image_module['image']; $image_src = $image['src']; if (isset($image_module['alt'])) { $image_alt = $image_module['alt']; } elseif (isset($image['altText'])) { $image_alt = $image['altText']; } if (isset($image['crdt'])) { $image_credit = $image['crdt']; } $caption = (isset($image_module['caption']) ? $image_module['caption'] : ''); break; case 'photogallery': $image_credit = (isset($image_module['caption']['credit']) ? $image_module['caption']['credit'] : ''); $caption = $image_module['caption']['text']; $image_src = $image_module['img']['src']; $image_alt = $image_module['img']['altText']; break; case 'video': $image_credit = (isset($image_module['credit']) ? $image_module['credit'] : ''); $description = (isset($image_module['description']) ? $image_module['description'] : ''); $caption = $description . ' Video can be watched on the article\'s page'; $image = $image_module['image']; $image_alt = $image['altText']; $image_src = $image['src']; } $image_caption = $caption . ' ' . $image_credit . '. Notes: Some image may have copyrighted on it.'; $wrapper = << {$image_alt}
EOD; return $wrapper; } private function getFullArticle($uri) { $html = getContents($uri); $scriptRegex = '/window\[\'__natgeo__\'\]=(.*);<\/script>/'; preg_match($scriptRegex, $html, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, 0); $json = json_decode($matches[1][0], true); $unfiltered_data = $json['page']['content']['article']['frms']; $filtered_data = $this->filterArticleData($unfiltered_data); $article = $filtered_data['edgs'][0]; $contributors = $article['cntrbGrp']; $authors = []; if (count($contributors) > 0) { $authors = $contributors[0]['contributors']; } $authors_name = ''; $counter = 0; foreach ($authors as $author) { $counter++; if ($counter == count($authors)) { $authors_name .= $author['displayName']; } else { $authors_name .= $author['displayName'] . ', '; } } $published_date = $article['pbDt']; $article_body = $article['bdy']; $content = ''; foreach ($article_body as $body) { switch ($body['type']) { case 'p': $content .= '

' . $body['cntnt']['mrkup'] . '

'; break; case 'h2': $content .= '

' . $body['cntnt']['mrkup'] . '

'; break; case 'inline': $module = $body['cntnt']; if (empty($module)) { continue 2; } switch ($module['cmsType']) { case 'image': $content .= $this->handleImages($module, $module['cmsType']); break; case 'imagegroup': $images = $module['images']; foreach ($images as $image) { $content .= $this->handleImages($image, $module['cmsType']); } break; case 'editorsNote': $content .= $module['note']; break; case 'listicle': $content .= '

' . $module['title'] . '

'; if (isset($module['image'])) { $content .= $this->handleImages($module['image'], $module['image']['cmsType']); } $content .= '

' . (isset($module['text']) ? $module['text'] : '') . '

'; break; case 'photogallery': $gallery = $body['cntnt']['media']; foreach ($gallery as $image) { $content .= $this->handleImages($image, $module['cmsType']); } break; case 'video': $content .= $this->handleImages($module, $module['cmsType']); break; case 'pullquote': $quote = $module['quote']; $author_name = ''; $authors = (isset($module['byLineProps']['authors']) ? $module['byLineProps']['authors'] : []); foreach ($authors as $author) { $author_desc = (isset($author['authorDesc']) ? $author['authorDesc'] : ''); $author_name .= $author['displayName'] . ', ' . $author_desc; } $content .= <<


EOD; break; } break; case 'ul': $content .= $body['cntnt']['mrkup'] . '
'; break; } } return [ 'content' => $content, 'published_date' => $published_date, 'authors' => $authors_name ]; } }