const fs = require('fs/promises'); const thumbs = require('./thumbs.js'); const dir = process.argv[2]; const dest = process.argv[3]; fs.readdir(dir) .then(async files => { const list = []; for (const file of files) { const regex = /\.json/; if (file.match(regex)) { const data = await fs.readFile(`${dir}/${file}`); const json = JSON.parse(data); list.push(json); } } return list; }) .then(list => { posts = {} for (const element of list) { const media = { type: element.typename, file: `${element.media_id}.${element.extension}`, height: element.height, width: element.width }; if (element.post_id in posts) { posts[element.post_id].media.push(media); } else { const newelem = { date:, description: element.description, likes: element.likes, post: element.post_id, media: [ media ] }; if (element.tags) newelem.tags = element.tags; if (element.tagged_users) newelem.users = element.tagged_users; posts[element.post_id] = newelem; } } return posts; }) .then(async posts => { const promises = Object.values(posts).map(async elem => fs.mkdir(`${dest}/${}`, { recursive: true }) .then(async () => { for (const media of { let filename; if ( > 1) { filename = `${dir}/${}_${media.file}` } else { filename = `${dir}/${media.file}`; } await fs.copyFile(filename, `${dest}/${}/${media.file}`); thumbs.dothumb(`${dest}/${}`).then(() => console.log(`${} miniatura creada`)); } }) .catch(console.error) ); await Promise.all(promises); return posts; }) .then(posts => { fs.writeFile(`${dest}/list.json`, JSON.stringify(posts, null, 4)); }) .catch(console.error);