const en = { globals: { welcome: 'Welcome to deemix', back: 'back', loading: 'loading', download: 'Download {0}', by: 'by {0}', in: 'in {0}', download_hint: 'Download', play_hint: 'Play', toggle_download_tab_hint: 'Expand/Collapse', clean_queue_hint: 'Clear Finished', cancel_queue_hint: 'Cancel All', listTabs: { empty: '', all: 'all', top_result: 'top result', album: 'album | albums', artist: 'artist | artists', single: 'single | singles', title: 'title | titles', track: 'track | tracks', trackN: '0 tracks | {n} track | {n} tracks', releaseN: '0 releases | {n} release | {n} releases', playlist: 'playlist | playlists', compile: 'compilation | compilations', ep: 'ep | eps', spotifyPlaylist: 'spotify playlist | spotify playlists', releaseDate: 'release date', error: 'error' } }, about: { titles: { usefulLinks: 'Useful Links', bugReports: 'Bug Reports', contributing: 'Contributing', donations: 'Donations', license: 'License' }, subtitles: { bugReports: "Is there something that isn't working in deemix? Tell us!", contributing: 'You want to contribute to this project? You can do it in different ways!', donations: 'You want to contribute monetarily? You could make a donation!' }, usesLibrary: 'This app uses the deemix library, which you can use to make your own UI for deemix.', thanks: `Thanks to rtonno, uhwot and lollilol for helping me with this project and to BasCurtiz and scarvimane for making the icon.`, upToDate: `Stay up to date with the updates by following the news channel on Telegram.`, officialWebsite: 'Official Website', officialRepo: 'Official Library Repository', officialWebuiRepo: 'Official WebUI Repository', officialSubreddit: 'Official Subreddit', newsChannel: 'News Channel', questions: `If you have questions or problems with the app, search for a solution in the subreddit first. Then, if you don't find anything you can make a post with your issue on the subreddit.`, beforeReporting: `Before reporting a bug make sure you're running the latest version of the app and that what you want to report is actually a bug and not something that's wrong only on your end.`, beSure: `Make sure the bug is reproducible on another machines and also DO NOT report a bug if it's been already reported.`, duplicateReports: 'Duplicate bug reports will be closed, so keep an eye out on that.', dontOpenIssues: `DO NOT open issues for asking questions, there is a subreddit for that.`, newUI: `If you're fluent in python you could try to make a new UI for the app using the base library, or fix bugs in the library with a pull request on the repo.`, acceptFeatures: `I accept features as well, but no complex things, as they can be implementend directly in the app and not the library.`, otherLanguages: `If you're fluent in another programming language you could try to port deemix into other programming languages!`, understandingCode: `You need help understanding the code? Just hit RemixDev up on Telegram or Reddit.`, contributeWebUI: `If you know Vue.js (JavaScript), HTML or CSS you could contribute to the WebUI.`, itsFree: `You shoud remember that this is a free project and you should support the artists you love before supporting the developers.`, notObligated: `Don't feel obligated to donate, I appreciate you anyway!`, lincensedUnder: `This work is licensed under a GNU General Public License 3.0.` }, charts: { title: 'Charts', changeCountry: 'Change Country', download: 'Download Chart' }, errors: { title: 'Errors for {0}', ids: { invalidURL: 'URL not recognized', unsupportedURL: 'URL not supported yet', ISRCnotOnDeezer: 'Track ISRC is not available on deezer', notYourPrivatePlaylist: "You can't download others private playlists.", spotifyDisabled: 'Spotify Features is not setted up correctly.', trackNotOnDeezer: 'Track not found on deezer!', albumNotOnDeezer: 'Album not found on deezer!', notOnDeezer: 'Track not available on Deezer!', notEncoded: 'Track not yet encoded!', notEncodedNoAlternative: 'Track not yet encoded and no alternative found!', wrongBitrate: 'Track not found at desired bitrate.', wrongBitrateNoAlternative: 'Track not found at desired bitrate and no alternative found!', no360RA: 'Track is not available in Reality Audio 360.', notAvailable: "Track not available on deezer's servers!", notAvailableNoAlternative: "Track not available on deezer's servers and no alternative found!" } }, favorites: { title: 'Favorites', noPlaylists: 'No Playlists found', noAlbums: 'No Favorite Albums found', noArtists: 'No Favorite Artists found', noTracks: 'No Favorite Tracks found' }, home: { needTologin: 'You need to log into your Deezer account before you can start downloading.', openSettings: 'Open Settings', sections: { popularPlaylists: 'Popular playlists', popularAlbums: 'Most streamed albums' } }, linkAnalyzer: { info: 'You can use this section to find out more information about the link you are trying to download.', useful: "This is useful if you're trying to download some tracks that are not available in your country and want to know where they are available, for instance.", linkNotSupported: 'This link is not yet supported', linkNotSupportedYet: 'Seems like this link is not yet supported, try analyzing another one.', table: { id: 'ID', isrc: 'ISRC', upc: 'UPC', duration: 'Duration', diskNumber: 'Disk Number', trackNumber: 'Track Number', releaseDate: 'Release Date', bpm: 'BPM', label: 'Label', recordType: 'Record Type', genres: 'Genres', tracklist: 'Tracklist' } }, search: { startSearching: 'Start searching!', description: 'You can search a track, a whole album, an artist, a playlist.... everything! You can also paste a Deezer link', fans: '{0} fans', noResults: 'No results', noResultsTrack: 'No Tracks found', noResultsAlbum: 'No Albums found', noResultsArtist: 'No Artists found', noResultsPlaylist: 'No Playlists found' }, searchbar: 'Search anything you want (or just paste a link)', downloads: 'downloads', toasts: { addedToQueue: '{0} added to queue', alreadyInQueue: '{0} is already in queue!', finishDownload: '{0} finished downloading.', allDownloaded: 'All downloads completed!', refreshFavs: 'Refresh completed!', loggingIn: 'Logging in', loggedIn: 'Logged in', alreadyLogged: 'Already logged in', loginFailed: "Couldn't log in", loggedOut: 'Logged out', cancellingCurrentItem: 'Cancelling current item.', currentItemCancelled: 'Current item cancelled.', startAddingArtist: 'Adding {0} albums to queue', finishAddingArtist: 'Added {0} albums to queue', startConvertingSpotifyPlaylist: 'Converting spotify tracks to deezer tracks', finishConvertingSpotifyPlaylist: 'Spotify playlist converted' }, settings: { title: 'Settings', languages: 'Languages', login: { title: 'Login', loggedIn: 'You are logged in as {username}', arl: { question: 'How do I get my own ARL?', update: 'Update ARL' }, logout: 'Logout' }, appearance: { title: 'Appearance', slimDownloadTab: 'Slim download tab' }, downloadPath: { title: 'Download Path' }, templates: { title: 'Templates', tracknameTemplate: 'Trackname template', albumTracknameTemplate: 'Album track template', playlistTracknameTemplate: 'Playlist track template' }, folders: { title: 'Folders', createPlaylistFolder: 'Create folder for playlists', playlistNameTemplate: 'Playlist folder template', createArtistFolder: 'Create folder for artist', artistNameTemplate: 'Artist folder template', createAlbumFolder: 'Create folder for album', albumNameTemplate: 'Album folder template', createCDFolder: 'Create folder for CDs', createStructurePlaylist: 'Create folder structure for playlists', createSingleFolder: 'Create folder structure for singles' }, trackTitles: { title: 'Track titles', padTracks: 'Pad tracks', paddingSize: 'Overwrite padding size', illegalCharacterReplacer: 'Illegal Character replacer' }, downloads: { title: 'Downloads', queueConcurrency: 'Concurrent Downloads', maxBitrate: { title: 'Preferred Bitrate', 9: 'FLAC 1411kbps', 3: 'MP3 320kbps', 1: 'MP3 128kbps' }, overwriteFile: { title: 'Should I overwrite the files?', y: 'Yes, overwrite the file', n: "No, don't overwrite the file", t: 'Overwrite only the tags' }, fallbackBitrate: 'Bitrate fallback', fallbackSearch: 'Search fallback', logErrors: 'Create log files for errors', logSearched: 'Create log files for searched tracks', createM3U8File: 'Create playlist file', syncedLyrics: 'Create .lyr files (Sync Lyrics)', playlistFilenameTemplate: 'Playlist filename template', saveDownloadQueue: 'Save download queue when closing the app' }, covers: { title: 'Album covers', saveArtwork: 'Save Covers', coverImageTemplate: 'Cover name template', saveArtworkArtist: 'Save artist image', artistImageTemplate: 'Artist image template', localArtworkSize: 'Local artwork size', embeddedArtworkSize: 'Embedded artwork size', localArtworkFormat: { title: 'What format do you want the local artwork to be?', jpg: 'A jpeg image', png: 'A png image', both: 'Both a jpeg and a png' }, jpegImageQuality: 'JPEG image quality' }, tags: { head: 'Which tags to save', title: 'Title', artist: 'Artist', album: 'Album', cover: 'Cover', trackNumber: 'Track Number', trackTotal: 'Track Total', discNumber: 'Disc Number', discTotal: 'Disc Total', albumArtist: 'Album Artist', genre: 'Genre', year: 'Year', date: 'Date', explicit: 'Explicit Lyrics', isrc: 'ISRC', length: 'Track Length', barcode: 'Album Barcode (UPC)', bpm: 'BPM', replayGain: 'Replay Gain', label: 'Album Label', lyrics: 'Unsynchronized Lyrics', copyright: 'Copyright', composer: 'Composer', involvedPeople: 'Involved People' }, other: { title: 'Other', savePlaylistAsCompilation: 'Save playlists as compilation', useNullSeparator: 'Use null separator', saveID3v1: 'Save ID3v1 as well', multiArtistSeparator: { title: 'How would you like to separate your artists?', nothing: 'Save only the main artist', default: 'Using standard specification', andFeat: 'Using & and feat.', using: 'Using "{0}"' }, singleAlbumArtist: 'Save only the main album artist', albumVariousArtists: 'Keep "Various Artists" in the Album Artists', removeAlbumVersion: 'Remove "Album Version" from track title', removeDuplicateArtists: 'Remove combinations of artists', dateFormat: { title: 'Date format for FLAC files', year: 'YYYY', month: 'MM', day: 'DD' }, featuredToTitle: { title: 'What should I do with featured artists?', 0: 'Nothing', 1: 'Remove it from the title', 3: 'Remove it from the title and the album title', 2: 'Move it to the title' }, titleCasing: 'Title casing', artistCasing: 'Artist casing', casing: { nothing: 'Keep unchanged', lower: 'lowercase', upper: 'UPPERCASE', start: 'Start Of Each Word', sentence: 'Like a sentence' }, previewVolume: 'Preview Volume', executeCommand: { title: 'Command to execute after download', description: 'Leave blank for no action' } }, spotify: { title: 'Spotify Features', clientID: 'Spotify clientID', clientSecret: 'Spotify Client Secret', username: 'Spotify username' }, reset: 'Reset to Default', save: 'Save', toasts: { init: 'Settings loaded!', update: 'Settings updated!', ARLcopied: 'ARL copied to clipboard' } }, sidebar: { home: 'home', search: 'search', charts: 'charts', favorites: 'favorites', linkAnalyzer: 'link analyzer', settings: 'settings', about: 'about' }, tracklist: { downloadSelection: 'Download selection' } } export default en