This file explains how to compile files for the UI. # What you need to do just the first time 1. Download and install the LTS version of Node.js, you can download it [here]( (also installs npm) 2. Once you have finished to install Node.js, check if everything is ok by running ```console $ node -v ``` and then ```console $ npm -v ``` If you will see the corresponding versions of node and npm, you are ready to code! 3. Go to the root of this project, open your favorite prompt and run ```console $ npm i ``` # Scripts ## Develpoment By simply running ```console $ npm run dev ``` you will have 2 tasks running at the same time: - the python server - the [rollup]( watcher pointing to the configured `.js` file and ready to re-bundle **You can now go to and see the app running.** You can edit `.css` and `.js` files and simply refresh the page to see your new and surely awesome code directly in the app 😉 If you need to edit the `index.html` file you will have to kill the terminal and re-run `npm run dev` to see your edits. ## Building If you want to deploy your application, you have to run ```console $ npm run build ``` This is necessary to get a bundled `.js` file **minified**, helping ro drop your final application size. # Other If you notice that another member of the team installed one or more new packages, just run ```bash $ npm i ```