const en = { welcome: 'Welcome to deemix', settings: { title: 'Settings', languages: 'Languages', login: { title: 'Login', loggedIn: 'You are logged in as', arl: { question: 'How do I get my own ARL?', update: 'Update ARL' }, logout: 'Logout' }, appearance: { title: 'Appearance', slimDownloadTab: 'Slim download tab' }, downloadPath: { title: 'Download Path' }, templates: { title: 'Templates', tracknameTemplate: 'Trackname template', albumTracknameTemplate: 'Album track template', playlistTracknameTemplate: 'Playlist track template' }, folders: { title: 'Folders', createPlaylistFolder: 'Create folder for playlists', playlistNameTemplate: 'Playlist folder template', createArtistFolder: 'Create folder for artist', artistNameTemplate: 'Artist folder template', createAlbumFolder: 'Create folder for album', albumNameTemplate: 'Album folder template', createCDFolder: 'Create folder for CDs', createStructurePlaylist: 'Create folder structure for playlists', createSingleFolder: 'Create folder structure for singles' }, trackTitles: { title: 'Track titles', padTracks: 'Pad tracks', paddingSize: 'Overwrite padding size', illegalCharacterReplacer: 'Illegal Character replacer' }, downloads: { title: 'Downloads', queueConcurrency: "Concurrent Downloads", maxBitrate: { title: "Preferred Bitrate", 9: "FLAC 1411kbps", 3: "MP3 320kbps", 1: "MP3 128kbps" }, overwriteFile: { title: "Should I overwrite the files?", y: "Yes, overwrite the file", n: "No, don't overwrite the file", t: "Overwrite only the tags" }, fallbackBitrate: "Bitrate fallback", fallbackSearch: "Search fallback", logErrors: "Create log files for errors", logSearched: "Create log files for searched tracks", createM3U8File: "Create playlist file", syncedLyrics: "Create .lyr files (Sync Lyrics)", playlistFilenameTemplate: "Playlist filename template", saveDownloadQueue: "Save download queue when closing the app" }, covers: { title: 'Album covers', saveArtwork: "Save Covers", coverImageTemplate: "Cover name template", saveArtworkArtist: "Save artist image", artistImageTemplate: "Artist image template", localArtworkSize: "Local artwork size", embeddedArtworkSize: "Embedded artwork size", PNGcovers: "Save images as png", jpegImageQuality: "JPEG image quality", }, tags: { head: 'Which tags to save', title: "Title", artist: "Artist", album: "Album", cover: "Cover", trackNumber: "Track Number", trackTotal: "Track Total", discNumber: "Disc Number", discTotal: "Disc Total", albumArtist: "Album Artist", genre: "Genre", year: "Year", date: "Date", explicit: "Explicit Lyrics", isrc: "ISRC", length: "Track Length", barcode: "Album Barcode (UPC)", bpm: "BPM", replayGain: "Replay Gain", label: "Album Label", lyrics: "Unsynchronized Lyrics", copyright: "Copyright", composer: "Composer", involvedPeople: "Involved People", }, other: { title: 'Other', savePlaylistAsCompilation: "Save playlists as compilation", useNullSeparator: "Use null separator", saveID3v1: "Save ID3v1 as well", multitagSeparator: { title: "How would you like to separate your artists?", default: "Using standard specification", andFeat: "Using & and feat.", using: "Using \"{0}\"" }, albumVariousArtists: "Keep \"Various Artists\" in the Album Artists", removeAlbumVersion: "Remove \"Album Version\" from track title", removeDuplicateArtists: "Remove combinations of artists", dateFormat: { title: "Date format for FLAC files", year: "YYYY", month: "MM", day: "DD" }, featuredToTitle: { title: "What should I do with featured artists?", 0: "Nothing", 1: "Remove it from the title", 3: "Remove it from the title and the album title", 2: "Move it to the title" }, titleCasing: "Title casing", artistCasing: "Artist casing", casing: { nothing: "Keep unchanged", lower: "lowercase", upper: "UPPERCASE", start: "Start Of Each Word", sentence: "Like a sentence" }, previewVolume: "Preview Volume", executeCommand: { title: "Command to execute after download", description: "Leave blank for no action" } }, spotify: { title: 'Spotify Features', clientID: "Spotify clientID", clientSecret: "Spotify Client Secret", username: "Spotify username" }, reset: 'Reset to Default', save: 'Save', toasts: { init: 'Settings loaded!', update: 'Settings updated!', ARLcopied: 'ARL copied to clipboard' } } } export default en