import Vue from 'vue' import '@/plugins/composition-api' import '@/styles/vendor/material-icons.css' import '@/styles/vendor/OpenSans.css' import '@/styles/css/tailwind.css' import '@/styles/css/normalize.css' import '@/styles/css/base.css' import '@/styles/css/components.css' import '@/styles/css/helpers.css' import '@/styles/css/typography.css' import '@/styles/scss/tables.scss' import App from '@/App.vue' import i18n from '@/plugins/i18n' import router from '@/router' import store from '@/store' import { socket } from '@/utils/socket' import { fetchData, postToServer } from '@/utils/api' import { toast } from '@/utils/toasts' import { isValidURL } from '@/utils/utils' import { sendAddToQueue } from '@/utils/downloads' import { SPOTIFY_STATUS } from '@/constants' /* ===== Random utils ===== */ /* eslint-disable no-extend-native */ String.prototype.capitalize = function () { return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1) } /* ===== App initialization ===== */ async function startApp() { new Vue({ store, router, i18n, render: h => h(App) }).$mount('#app') const connectResponse = await (await fetch('connect')).json() const spotifyStatus = connectResponse.spotifyEnabled ? SPOTIFY_STATUS.ENABLED : SPOTIFY_STATUS.DISABLED if (!connectResponse.deezerAvailable) { document.getElementById('deezer_not_available').classList.remove('hide') } store.dispatch('setAppInfo', connectResponse.update).catch(console.error) store.dispatch('setSpotifyStatus', spotifyStatus).catch(console.error) let arl = localStorage.getItem('arl') const accessToken = localStorage.getItem('accessToken') if (connectResponse.autologin) {'Autologin') const accountNum = localStorage.getItem('accountNum') async function login(arl, accountNum) { toast(i18n.t('toasts.loggingIn'), 'loading', false, 'login-toast') arl = arl.trim() let result if (accountNum !== 0) { result = await postToServer('loginArl', { arl, force: true, child: accountNum || 0 }) } else { result = await postToServer('loginArl', { arl }) } return result } if (arl) { let result = await login(arl, accountNum) if (result.status === 0 && accessToken) { const { arl: newArl } = await postToServer('loginWithCredentials', { accessToken }) if (newArl && newArl !== arl) { arl = newArl store.dispatch('setARL', { arl }) } result = await login(newArl, accountNum) } loggedIn(result) } } else { loggedIn({ status: 3, user: connectResponse.currentUser, arl }) } if (connectResponse.checkForUpdates) { toast(i18n.t('toasts.checkingUpdates'), 'loading', false, 'updates-toast') const updates = await fetchData('checkForUpdates') store.dispatch('setUpdateInfo', updates).catch(console.error) if (updates.updateAvailable) { toast(i18n.t('toasts.updateAvailable'), 'chevron-triple-up', true, 'updates-toast') } else { toast(i18n.t('toasts.noUpdateAvailable'), 'done', true, 'updates-toast') } } } function initClient() { store.dispatch('setClientMode', true) setClientModeKeyBindings() } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', startApp) if (window.api) { initClient() } /* ===== Global shortcuts ===== */ document.addEventListener('paste', pasteEvent => { if ( === 'input') return let pastedText = pasteEvent.clipboardData.getData('Text') if (isValidURL(pastedText)) { if ( === 'Link Analyzer') { socket.emit('analyzeLink', pastedText) } else { if (pastedText.includes('\n')) pastedText = pastedText.replace(/\n/g, ';') sendAddToQueue(pastedText) } } else { const searchbar = document.querySelector('#searchbar') searchbar.setSelectionRange(0, 99999) } }) /** * Sets up key bindings that already work in the browser (server mode) */ function setClientModeKeyBindings() { document.addEventListener('keyup', keyEvent => { // ALT + left if (keyEvent.altKey && keyEvent.key === 'ArrowLeft') { router.back() } // ALT + right if (keyEvent.altKey && keyEvent.key === 'ArrowRight') { router.forward() } }) } /* ===== Socketio listeners ===== */ // Debug messages for socketio socket.on('message', function (msg) { console.log(msg) }) function loggedIn(data) { const { status, user } = data switch (status) { case 1: case 3: // Login ok toast(i18n.t('toasts.loggedIn'), 'done', true, 'login-toast') store.dispatch('login', data) break case 2: // Already logged in toast(i18n.t('toasts.alreadyLogged'), 'done', true, 'login-toast') store.dispatch('setUser', user) break case 0: // Login failed toast(i18n.t('toasts.loginFailed'), 'close', true, 'login-toast') store.dispatch('removeARL') break case -1: toast(i18n.t('toasts.deezerNotAvailable'), 'close', true, 'login-toast') // TODO // $('#open_login_prompt').show() // document.getElementById('logged_in_info').classList.add('hide') // $('#settings_username').text('Not Logged') // $('#settings_picture').attr('src', ``) // document.getElementById('home_not_logged_in').classList.remove('hide') } } socket.on('restoringQueue', function () { toast(i18n.t('toasts.restoringQueue'), 'loading', false, 'restoring_queue') }) socket.on('cancellingCurrentItem', function (uuid) { toast(i18n.t('toasts.cancellingCurrentItem'), 'loading', false, 'cancelling_' + uuid) }) socket.on('currentItemCancelled', function (uuid) { toast(i18n.t('toasts.currentItemCancelled'), 'done', true, 'cancelling_' + uuid) }) socket.on('startAddingArtist', function (data) { toast(i18n.t('toasts.startAddingArtist', { artist: }), 'loading', false, 'artist_' + }) socket.on('finishAddingArtist', function (data) { toast(i18n.t('toasts.finishAddingArtist', { artist: }), 'done', true, 'artist_' + }) socket.on('startConvertingSpotifyPlaylist', function (id) { toast(i18n.t('toasts.startConvertingSpotifyPlaylist'), 'loading', false, 'spotifyplaylist_' + id) }) socket.on('finishConvertingSpotifyPlaylist', function (id) { toast(i18n.t('toasts.finishConvertingSpotifyPlaylist'), 'done', true, 'spotifyplaylist_' + id) }) socket.on('errorMessage', function (error) { toast(error, 'error') }) socket.on('queueError', function (queueItem) { if (queueItem.errid) { toast( + ' - ' + i18n.t(`errors.ids.${queueItem.errid}`), 'error') } else { toast( + ' - ' + queueItem.error, 'error') } }) socket.on('alreadyInQueue', function (data) { toast(i18n.t('toasts.alreadyInQueue', { item: data.title }), 'playlist_add_check') }) socket.on('loginNeededToDownload', function () { toast(i18n.t('toasts.loginNeededToDownload'), 'report') }) socket.on('startGeneratingItems', function (data) { toast(i18n.t('toasts.startGeneratingItems', { n: }), 'loading', false, 'batch_' + data.uuid) }) socket.on('finishGeneratingItems', function (data) { toast(i18n.t('toasts.finishGeneratingItems', { n: }), 'done', true, 'batch_' + data.uuid) })