
295 lines
11 KiB

import logging
from deemix.types.DownloadObjects import Single, Collection
from import GWAPIError, LyricsStatus
from deezer.api import APIError
from deezer.utils import map_user_playlist
logger = logging.getLogger('deemix')
def generateTrackItem(dz, link_id, bitrate, trackAPI=None, albumAPI=None):
# Check if is an isrc: url
if str(link_id).startswith("isrc"):
trackAPI = dz.api.get_track(link_id)
except APIError as e:
raise GenerationError(f"{link_id}", str(e)) from e
if 'id' in trackAPI and 'title' in trackAPI:
link_id = trackAPI['id']
raise ISRCnotOnDeezer(f"{link_id}")
if not link_id.isdecimal(): raise InvalidID(f"{link_id}")
# Get essential track info
trackAPI_gw =
except GWAPIError as e:
raise GenerationError(f"{link_id}", str(e)) from e
title = trackAPI_gw['SNG_TITLE'].strip()
if trackAPI_gw.get('VERSION') and trackAPI_gw['VERSION'] not in trackAPI_gw['SNG_TITLE']:
title += f" {trackAPI_gw['VERSION']}".strip()
explicit = bool(int(trackAPI_gw.get('EXPLICIT_LYRICS', 0)))
return Single({
'type': 'track',
'id': link_id,
'bitrate': bitrate,
'title': title,
'artist': trackAPI_gw['ART_NAME'],
'cover': f"{trackAPI_gw['ALB_PICTURE']}/75x75-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
'explicit': explicit,
'single': {
'trackAPI_gw': trackAPI_gw,
'trackAPI': trackAPI,
'albumAPI': albumAPI
def generateAlbumItem(dz, link_id, bitrate, rootArtist=None):
# Get essential album info
albumAPI = dz.api.get_album(link_id)
except APIError as e:
raise GenerationError(f"{link_id}", str(e)) from e
if str(link_id).startswith('upc'): link_id = albumAPI['id']
if not link_id.isdecimal(): raise InvalidID(f"{link_id}")
# Get extra info about album
# This saves extra api calls when downloading
albumAPI_gw =
albumAPI['nb_disk'] = albumAPI_gw['NUMBER_DISK']
albumAPI['copyright'] = albumAPI_gw['COPYRIGHT']
albumAPI['release_date'] = albumAPI_gw['PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE']
albumAPI['root_artist'] = rootArtist
# If the album is a single download as a track
if albumAPI['nb_tracks'] == 1:
if len(albumAPI['tracks']['data']):
return generateTrackItem(dz, albumAPI['tracks']['data'][0]['id'], bitrate, albumAPI=albumAPI)
raise GenerationError(f"{link_id}", "Single has no tracks.")
tracksArray =
if albumAPI['cover_small'] is not None:
cover = albumAPI['cover_small'][:-24] + '/75x75-000000-80-0-0.jpg'
cover = f"{albumAPI_gw['ALB_PICTURE']}/75x75-000000-80-0-0.jpg"
totalSize = len(tracksArray)
albumAPI['nb_tracks'] = totalSize
collection = []
for pos, trackAPI in enumerate(tracksArray, start=1):
trackAPI['POSITION'] = pos
trackAPI['SIZE'] = totalSize
explicit = albumAPI_gw.get('EXPLICIT_ALBUM_CONTENT', {}).get('EXPLICIT_LYRICS_STATUS', LyricsStatus.UNKNOWN) in [LyricsStatus.EXPLICIT, LyricsStatus.PARTIALLY_EXPLICIT]
return Collection({
'type': 'album',
'id': link_id,
'bitrate': bitrate,
'title': albumAPI['title'],
'artist': albumAPI['artist']['name'],
'cover': cover,
'explicit': explicit,
'size': totalSize,
'collection': {
'tracks_gw': collection,
'albumAPI': albumAPI
def generatePlaylistItem(dz, link_id, bitrate, playlistAPI=None, playlistTracksAPI=None):
if not playlistAPI:
if not link_id.isdecimal(): raise InvalidID(f"{link_id}")
# Get essential playlist info
playlistAPI = dz.api.get_playlist(link_id)
except APIError:
playlistAPI = None
# Fallback to gw api if the playlist is private
if not playlistAPI:
userPlaylist =
playlistAPI = map_user_playlist(userPlaylist['DATA'])
except GWAPIError as e:
raise GenerationError(f"{link_id}", str(e)) from e
# Check if private playlist and owner
if not playlistAPI.get('public', False) and playlistAPI['creator']['id'] != str(dz.current_user['id']):
logger.warning("You can't download others private playlists.")
raise NotYourPrivatePlaylist(f"{link_id}")
if not playlistTracksAPI:
playlistTracksAPI =
playlistAPI['various_artist'] = dz.api.get_artist(5080) # Useful for save as compilation
totalSize = len(playlistTracksAPI)
playlistAPI['nb_tracks'] = totalSize
collection = []
for pos, trackAPI in enumerate(playlistTracksAPI, start=1):
playlistAPI['explicit'] = True
trackAPI['POSITION'] = pos
trackAPI['SIZE'] = totalSize
if 'explicit' not in playlistAPI: playlistAPI['explicit'] = False
return Collection({
'type': 'playlist',
'id': link_id,
'bitrate': bitrate,
'title': playlistAPI['title'],
'artist': playlistAPI['creator']['name'],
'cover': playlistAPI['picture_small'][:-24] + '/75x75-000000-80-0-0.jpg',
'explicit': playlistAPI['explicit'],
'size': totalSize,
'collection': {
'tracks_gw': collection,
'playlistAPI': playlistAPI
def generateArtistItem(dz, link_id, bitrate, listener=None):
if not link_id.isdecimal(): raise InvalidID(f"{link_id}")
# Get essential artist info
artistAPI = dz.api.get_artist(link_id)
except APIError as e:
raise GenerationError(f"{link_id}", str(e)) from e
rootArtist = {
'id': artistAPI['id'],
'name': artistAPI['name'],
'picture_small': artistAPI['picture_small']
if listener: listener.send("startAddingArtist", rootArtist)
artistDiscographyAPI =, 100)
allReleases = artistDiscographyAPI.pop('all', [])
albumList = []
for album in allReleases:
albumList.append(generateAlbumItem(dz, album['id'], bitrate, rootArtist=rootArtist))
except GenerationError as e:
logger.warning("Album %s has no data: %s", str(album['id']), str(e))
if listener: listener.send("finishAddingArtist", rootArtist)
return albumList
def generateArtistDiscographyItem(dz, link_id, bitrate, listener=None):
if not link_id.isdecimal(): raise InvalidID(f"{link_id}/discography")
# Get essential artist info
artistAPI = dz.api.get_artist(link_id)
except APIError as e:
raise GenerationError(f"{link_id}/discography", str(e)) from e
rootArtist = {
'id': artistAPI['id'],
'name': artistAPI['name'],
'picture_small': artistAPI['picture_small']
if listener: listener.send("startAddingArtist", rootArtist)
artistDiscographyAPI =, 100)
artistDiscographyAPI.pop('all', None) # all contains albums and singles, so its all duplicates. This removes them
albumList = []
for releaseType in artistDiscographyAPI:
for album in artistDiscographyAPI[releaseType]:
albumList.append(generateAlbumItem(dz, album['id'], bitrate, rootArtist=rootArtist))
except GenerationError as e:
logger.warning("Album %s has no data: %s", str(album['id']), str(e))
if listener: listener.send("finishAddingArtist", rootArtist)
return albumList
def generateArtistTopItem(dz, link_id, bitrate):
if not link_id.isdecimal(): raise InvalidID(f"{link_id}/top_track")
# Get essential artist info
artistAPI = dz.api.get_artist(link_id)
except APIError as e:
raise GenerationError(f"{link_id}/top_track", str(e)) from e
# Emulate the creation of a playlist
# Can't use generatePlaylistItem directly as this is not a real playlist
playlistAPI = {
'title': f"{artistAPI['name']} - Top Tracks",
'description': f"Top Tracks for {artistAPI['name']}",
'duration': 0,
'public': True,
'is_loved_track': False,
'collaborative': False,
'nb_tracks': 0,
'fans': artistAPI['nb_fan'],
'link': f"{artistAPI['id']}/top_track",
'share': None,
'picture': artistAPI['picture'],
'picture_small': artistAPI['picture_small'],
'picture_medium': artistAPI['picture_medium'],
'picture_big': artistAPI['picture_big'],
'picture_xl': artistAPI['picture_xl'],
'checksum': None,
'tracklist': f"{artistAPI['id']}/top",
'creation_date': "XXXX-00-00",
'creator': {
'id': f"art_{artistAPI['id']}",
'name': artistAPI['name'],
'type': "user"
'type': "playlist"
artistTopTracksAPI_gw =
return generatePlaylistItem(dz, playlistAPI['id'], bitrate, playlistAPI=playlistAPI, playlistTracksAPI=artistTopTracksAPI_gw)
class GenerationError(Exception):
def __init__(self, link, message, errid=None):
super().__init__() = link
self.message = message
self.errid = errid
def toDict(self):
return {
'error': self.message,
'errid': self.errid
class ISRCnotOnDeezer(GenerationError):
def __init__(self, link):
super().__init__(link, "Track ISRC is not available on deezer", "ISRCnotOnDeezer")
class NotYourPrivatePlaylist(GenerationError):
def __init__(self, link):
super().__init__(link, "You can't download others private playlists.", "notYourPrivatePlaylist")
class TrackNotOnDeezer(GenerationError):
def __init__(self, link):
super().__init__(link, "Track not found on deezer!", "trackNotOnDeezer")
class AlbumNotOnDeezer(GenerationError):
def __init__(self, link):
super().__init__(link, "Album not found on deezer!", "albumNotOnDeezer")
class InvalidID(GenerationError):
def __init__(self, link):
super().__init__(link, "Link ID is invalid!", "invalidID")
class LinkNotSupported(GenerationError):
def __init__(self, link):
super().__init__(link, "Link is not supported.", "unsupportedURL")
class LinkNotRecognized(GenerationError):
def __init__(self, link):
super().__init__(link, "Link is not recognized.", "invalidURL")