# Not including dev commands as they have issues on Window's Powershell. # Fixing paths for different platforms # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4058840/makefile-that-distincts-between-windows-and-unix-like-systems ifdef OS RM = del /Q FixPath = $(subst /,\,$1) else ifeq ($(shell uname), Linux) RM = rm -f FixPath = $1 endif endif SEP ?= '\' # Stands for MODULES_BINARIES, abbreviated to pollute less possible the commands M_B ?= $(call FixPath, ./node_modules/.bin/) lint: $(M_B)eslint "./{src, tests}/**" --fix lint-build: $(M_B)eslint "./src/**" --fix test: $(M_B)jest build: lint-build test $(M_B)tsc